Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Midwinter schedule so far

I have been getting so many flyers in the mail. My midwinter registration must have just kicked in and now I'm on the mailing list.

My plan so far:

Arrive Thursday. Dinner with friends. :) Start blogging for YALSA.
Friday: all-day YALSA advocacy institute
Friday night: YALSA gaming extravanganza, followed by drinks w/ Linda (and hopefully Jack from NYPL)
Saturday: Lunch with friends. :) :) Nothing else planned, so I'll probably cruise around the vendor floor and feel overwhelmed, young, and intimidated. Blog about it.
Sunday: head home.

There might be a committee meeting thrown in there somewhere, but since we're a virtual committee, it would just be a meet and greet. I'm following with interest the many conversations going on right now about how ALA should start allowing for virtual meetings. Too bad I'm really bad at tinkering with my avatar and I'm currently sporting a crop top and a bald spot in SL....

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